Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Listening is so HARD!

We just returned from two weeks of training, evaluation and orientation in order to go overseas.  The last two weeks were intense to say the least.  It was definitely information overload and I keep asking myself, "What was the main thing we learned?"
We learned a lot about transformation, peacemaking, marriage, singleness, language learning and much much more.  However, I (Kristin) think the one thing that we learned the most about was listening.  Most of my friends would probably say I am a good listener, but I am talking about listening to God.  So many times when I pray, I come with so much talking and lists of what I want to "tell" God.(as if he doesn't know)  I have been reading and thinking about Romans 8 especially this part:

26In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. 27And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will.

Growing up Southern Baptist and currently being a part of a Reformed church, I find myself being a little bit skeptical and even afraid of the "Spirit".  As soon as people start talking about the Holy Spirit, I get pictures in my head of people running around yelling and making people pass out.  This is extreme and un-biblical.  These past two weeks I felt stretched and even uncomfortable at times, but I also began to realize that I was in a way trying to control God by limiting what I believe about Him.  God can't be controlled and I can't change his character, but my belief and understanding were lacking and therefore wrong.  God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit are a beautiful mystery.  I want to know that beautiful mystery more intimately in spirit and in truth.  I am practicing more listening in my prayer life and more dependence on the Spirit.  He intercedes for the saints in accordance with God's will, I definitely want to be a part of that!  Please pray for Ryan and I as we learn to listen more and talk less in prayer.  I pray that this will stir you to also become a better listener :)


  1. This is GOOD! And, it gets me thinking.

    I'm excited to hear more about the 2 weeks away.

    Love y'all!

  2. Yea!!! You have a blog! Listening is so very hard when we have so much talking we're doing in our head! Take care, Lauree

  3. It has been almost a week since your last post. Put on your "Type A" hat and start writing because I want to keep reading.
